Inkoff Hawaii

Laser Tattoo Removal Services Evolve with PicoSure

Statistics have shown that plenty of folks are regretting getting tattoos inked on their bodies.  The process of removing them is painful and quite expensive.  So what’s the quickest, surest, least painful way to do it: by laser surgery.

How does it work?

Paul M. Friedman, a cosmetic dermatologist answers with, “After the skin is numbed, the laser targets the ink particles from inside of the skin cells drawing them outside of the cells where the body can recognize them as foreign, and then eliminates them.

What happens is that your body's own immune reaction recognizes that the ink doesn't belong there and your lymphatic system gets rid of the ink particles, and that's how the tattoo lightens over time."

The amazing, revolutionary PicoSure by Cynosure has been introduced to the market.  Friedman states that, “It has a shorter pulse duration of light (a trillionth of a second) compared to original lasers that utilized pulses in one billionth of a second.

The edge that the PicoSure has on previous lasers is because its pulses are 100 times shorter, it shatters the ink particles better, making it easier for the body to eliminate the artwork.”

To read more visit Cosmopolitan.

Are you planning on getting your tattoo removed?  What are the chances that you’re going to try the PicoSure procedure?


InkOff.MD offers the most advanced techniques for tattoo removals with fascinating results.

Contact us today for a consultation (808) 949-8346

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